Twitterative Design

The future X-Games happening right here in CALIFORNIA by the International Drone Racing Association.

Pros: Location capitalized, short easy to read. Identify with X-Games audience

Cons: Not much detail

International Drone Racing Association hosting tournaments worth $20,000-$100,000 in competitions from all around the world.

Pros: Get the idea, no kairos, hard to identify with,

Cons: May be too wordy, boring

STAR WARS probe racing coming closer to ‘reality’ with the onset of competitions by the International Drone Racing Association with purses from $20,000-$100,000 all around the world

Pros: Relevant to Star Wars fans especially with new movie coming up, crisp and clear,

Cons: Maybe a bit long and wordy

The future of extreme sports is drone racing as revenues reach $105 million and establishment of IRDA hosting competitions with purses from $20K-$100K around the world.

Pros: Identify with extreme sport fans, numbers signify importance

Cons: IRDA not written as International Drone Racing Association

Not just for kids! Drone racing reaches new heights with formation of International Drone Racing Association hosting competitions with purses of $20K-$100K.

Pros: Makes all people think this is suitable for all ages, pun on heights, numbers in K

Cons: Not much detail.









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